Sunday, March 8, 2009

Take a Currency Trading Course

Almost all forex trading courses available today fall into the self-study or seminar categories. Both have important strengths and weaknesses. The self-study camp is generally comprised of web-based courses, CD-ROMs, workbooks, or any combination thereof. While self-motivated and highly disciplined traders might find self-study courses to be perfectly satisfactory, many traders require the structure of a more formal learning environment and would benefit greatly from individual instruction. Seminars, hosted by various brokers and financial market educators around the country, typically run 1-3 days in length. Most walk traders through at least a fair range of important topics in a more or less methodical way. The drawback, of course, is that in addition to the cost of the seminar, traders must absorb travel and accommodation expenses. And at many seminars, the number of attendees makes personal instruction impossible.
Happily, the latest trading courses make use of online technologies to offer a complete curriculum, a perfect mix of convenience and structure, and all the benefits of a classroom environment and one-on-one instruction -- at an economical price. A complete trading course can be put online and broken down into daily lessons (for example, one lesson per day for a full month). Though the trader must log into the website to view each day's lesson, he may do so at any time that's convenient. After each lesson, students have the opportunity to post questions for course instructors and to discuss ideas with fellow students in a virtual classroom. Brief daily assignments and quizzes -- and even individualized feedback from instructors based on the assignments -- all play an important role in reinforcing material and help traders learn each day's lessons. And when a complete online course is combined with a practice trading account, the trader has a risk-free opportunity to apply the lessons and strategies learned, and instructors can offer pointers, tips, and suggestions to help refine and improve trades. This new type of course represents a quantum leap forward in trading education.

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